When we built this facility in 2003, we were told that we would need to treat the acoustics of the worship center. However, due to finances, we were unable to do this and have been living with a challenging and poor acoustic environment since then. We were told to anticipate spending $25,000 to treat the room properly, something we just could not afford to do. In 2008, we had an acoustic consultant tell us that we would need to spend up to $9 to $23 per square foot for panels to make the room behave properly for our purposes.
Again we were unable to find the finances to do this since our room is so large (8000 sf). Last year, we researched the web and found Acoustimac panels which appeared to be nicely constructed and reasonably priced. We purchased about 20 panels for the face of our balcony. This made a big difference in the sound, eliminating the sound that was bouncing off the balcony into the seating area. This year we purchased an additional 60 panels which were put on the side and rear walls, and the upper balcony walls.
For a cost of less than $5000 we were able to treat all the surfaces needed. The panels look great and were easy to install. And most of all, they do an incredible job at taming the room and increasing the clarity and quality of the sound in the room. The difference is amazing! Thank you so much for your speedy delivery, your quality product and for delivering all you promised. We had one panel which was damaged in delivery. Sal and team at Acoustimac quickly sent us a new panel, along with a patch for the damaged panel. You guys are awesome!
Andy Cater
Pastor of Creative Arts
Redwood Covenant Church
Santa Rosa, CA