Stock Images in our Gallery
All the images you see in our stock art gallery were acquired from either Fotolia.com, Istockphoto.com or Shutterstock.com. We will print these images for you in any panel size the image resolution supports. If the panel you have selected is too large for the chosen image, our graphic designer will notify you and you may choose another image or follow any case-by-case recommendation the designer makes. If the image requires any extensive modification, graphic design fees may be incurred.
Custom Images you Provide
For digital or scanned artwork or photography, be sure to send the image in the highest resolution possible (figure about a megapixel for every ten inches minimum, every 8 inches recommended). For copyrighted images, you must have the copyright holder's permission to use any copyrighted image you submit. We will require you to send us an email stating you have permission to use the images you're submitting. For Example, if you wish to print a movie poster of the Avengers, you will need to send us an email from the email address used to place the order, stating you have permission from Marvel Studios or Disney Corporation to use their images.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding our custom printed acoustic panels.
Q: Across how many sound panels can Acoustimac span a single piece of artwork?
A: We can span images across as many panels as you wish, just as long as the artwork resolution is high enough to be able to split it up into those many pieces at the right sizes.
Q: Can I use any color combination?
A: Of course, our acoustic art panels are printed using a four color process that produces millions of possible colors. We print all our panels on white fabric for the best contrast.
Q: What is the average resolution on these prints?
A: The average Resolution is 150 dots per inch (dpi). Any lower than that will compromise output quality. Higher than that will be scaled down to 150 anyway.
Q: What kind of file format do I need to submit to have my panels printed by Acoustimac?
A: The formats we prefer are: Adobe PDF, PSD, or EPS and JPEG or PNG. Don’t worry about RGB to CYMK conversions or registration marks; we’ll take care of all that. Just make sure your artwork has enough of a margin between the edges and foreground elements to ensure the foreground element doesn't get trimmed or folded over the sides.
Q: Does Acoustimac provide any templates for it’s art panels?
A: Yes we do, visit our website HERE to view the list of templates, and then download the template by right clicking the link to your preferred file format, and saving it as a file on your computer. Once it’s on your computer, open it using your favorite graphic design program (Recommended: Photoshop, Gimp, Paint.net or corel photo paint), add whatever images you want to it, mind your trims and bleed margins. Save the image (flatten it if you used layers) as a JPEG file, as long as you don’t modify the document size or guides, you should be good to go!All our templates are in RGB color, you don’t need to convert them to CMYK. We’ll take care of that for you.
Q: Can Acoustimac print a panel of a movie poster, album cover or any other copyrighted work?
A: Before printing any kind of Copyrighted, we will require written proof of permission or licensing from the official copyright holder.
Q: What kind of proof of permission do I need to print a copyrighted work?
A: Written permission will be required in order to proceed with your order. This can be provided in the form of a notarized and sworn statement or legally binding and verifiable documentation using official copyright holder letterhead and signature from copyright holder or legally authorized representative Also an e-mail 'signed' by the user from the email address registered with us at the moment of placing the order confirming that you have permission to use the image will suffice.
Q:Is there a place I can get non copyrighted artwork?
A: Of course, there are dozens of royalty free stock image dealers on the internet. We highly recommend IstockPhoto.com and fotolia.com since they have the widest variety and some very beautiful photography and artwork.
Q: Does an original artist rendition of a copyrighted character or image count as a copyrighted work in itself?
A: Yes it does. We highly recommend consulting an attorney or specialist in copyright law before having anything printed and displayed in a public place which may be copyrighted so you can better know your rights and limitations, that same attorney can provide you with needed documentation once all requirements have been met.
Q: Can Acoustimac print an acoustical panel of a public or historic figure?
A: Yes we can! (No pun intended, well ... maybe just a little...) Images of public, historic and political figures fall under the category of public domain. If it’s a picture you took, we can use that without a hitch, however if the photo is copyrighted itself and was used in a copyrighted publication, then you will need permission from the photographer or license holder of that photograph.
Q: What sizes do your panels come in?
A: Our art panels are readily available in the following sizes:
4′ X 2′ x 2″ - Horizontal or Vertical
3′ X 2′ x 2″ - Horizontal or Vertical
2′ X 2′ x 2″ - Square
Q: Can Acoustimac print custom sizes for their art panels.
A: Sure, all you need to do is make sure your artwork is in the same dimensions as the panel requested. Make sure to consider the side fold which is relative to your panel's thickness and ensure the art you submit follows the proportions and dimensions of your desired panel size. Use the templates as a guide and resize and reformat as needed.